image sage clock--Downtown Hartford, CT

Hartford’s Economic Woes of the 1990s- What Occurred and How Hartford Plans to Bounce Back

Recently, I asked an older family member what they thought of Hartford’s economy. Their response was rather intriguing: “Everything seemed wonderful, until the ‘90s happened”. I, of course, was not alive in the 1990s, and would have no understanding of how prosperous (or not) the city’s economy would have been during this time. However, this…

It is used to show how HOLC rated specific districts

History of Redlining in Hartford

What Is Redlining and how did it start? Redlining is the discriminatory pattern of obstructive practices that deter the home-ownership of African Americans and other people of color (Gaspaire). Shaun McGann explained that in the US this term is associated with the Great Depression that lasted from 1929-1939. President. Franklin D. Roosevelt created the New…

The Hartford Witch Panic

by Sophia Mego The History of Witch Trials in Colonial Hartford Connecticut, known for its many historical landmarks, is home to a unique colonial history, one being the first and only colony to establish its own charter. However, a less known fact about its history is the infamous Hartford Witch Trials – the very first…
