Sobre este proyecto

Damas y Señoritas: Cartografiando Revistas es una herramienta educativa donde deseamos presentar nuestra colección digital de revistas femeninas y como se puede utilizar para in proyecto académico digital donde imágenes y mapas son incorporados en una página con información textual.

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About this project

Damas y Señoritas: Mapping Magazines is a teaching site where we want to showcase the UConn Library’s digital collection of women magazines and how it can be used for a digital scholarship project where images and maps are incorporated with some textual information.

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How should I use this site/ Cómo usar este sitio web

Intructions on how to navigate the site/ Intrucciones de como navegar este sitio web

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Mapping Magazines

This project, Damas y Señoritas: Mapping Magazines/Damas y Señoritas: Cartografiando Revistas, is a educational tool to showcase a selection of UConn Library's Archives & Special Collections Spanish women' magazines, part of our collection of 19th and 20th century Spanish magazines and how they can be used in a digital scholarship project that incorporate mapping tools and images. For this project we used a mapping tool to display the addresses where these journals were written and / or published in addition of listing the actual physical address of the editorial and/or printing offices used by editors of the time.
