Author Publications

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2018. Hostages of Empire: A Short History of the Extension of U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Rico, 1898 - Present. CreateSpace/Amazon.

2015. Puerto Rico and the Origins of U.S. Global Empire: The Disembodied Shade. Routledge. (Reviewed and Recommended by CHOICE)

Edited Journals

2022. with José Javier Colón Morera, eds. Special Issue: En la sombra de Balzac, U.P.R. Law Review (scheduled for publication, Summer 2022).

2022. with José Javier Colón Morera, eds. Special Issue: Back to the Future: The Implications of Balzac One Hundred Years Later, CENTRO Journal 34(1) (Spring 2022).

2017. with Edgardo Melendez. Symposium: U.S. Citizenship in Puerto Rico: One Hundred Years After the Jones Act. CENTRO: Journal 29 (1) (Spring 2017).

Articles, Essays, and Other Publications

“Cuál es la fuente constitucional de la ciudadanía estadounidense en Puerto Rico?” Special Issue on Balzac and Citizenship, U.P.R. Law Review (scheduled for publication, Spring 2022).

2022.“Balzac v. People of Porto Rico and the Problem of the Liberal Narrative of Citizenship, Why Puerto Ricans are Not Second-Class Citizens Today” CENTRO Journal 34(1) (Spring 2022).

2019. “A Note on the Territorial Government and Incorporation Bills for Puerto Rico Introduced in Congress, 1898-2018,” CENTRO Journal 30(3) (Fall 2019): 313-331.

2017. “Apuntes/Annotations: Mapping the Contours of the History of the Extension of U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Rico, 1898-Present,” CENTRO: Journal  29 (1) (Spring 2017): 38-55. 

2017. “A Note on the Puerto Rican Denaturalization Exception of 1948,” CENTRO: Journal 29 (1)(Spring 2017): 224-237. 

2017. Territorial Citizenship Today: Four Interpretations” PS: Political Science and Politics 50 (2) (April 2017): 515-519.

2016. “A Note on Jesús T. Piñero and the Polemics of U.S. Citizenship for Puerto Ricans During the Decade of 1940,” Ámbito de Encuentros 9 (2): 7-22. 

2016. with Maye Henning and Ross Dardani, “Citizens and Nationals: A Note on the Federal Citizenship Legislation for the United States Pacific Island Territories, 1898 to the Present,” Charleston Law Review 10 (2): 251-276. 

2015. “Puerto Ricans: The Liminal Latino/as,” (Thomas Baldino and Kyle Kreider Eds. Minority Voting in the U.S., ABC-CLIO. (U.S.) 

2014. “Constitutional Questions Incident to President Obama’s Puerto Rico Status Plebiscite,” New England Law Review-On Remand (48): 61-76. 

2013. “Are Puerto Ricans Native-Born U.S. Citizens? The 1948 Pagán/Fernós-Isern Amendment,” Ámbito de Encuentros 6 (2): 1-23. 

2013. “Extending Citizenship to Puerto Rico, The Three Traditions of Inclusive Exclusion,” CENTRO: Journal 25 (1) (Spring 2013): 50-75. (U.S.) (Puerto Rican Studies)

2012. “Marriage and the Expatriation of Puerto Rican Women: A Note on the Extension of the Cable Act of 1922 to Puerto Rico,” Latino(a) Research Review 8 (1-2): 231-246.

2012. “Cold War Civil Rights: The Puerto Rican Dimension,” California Western International Law Journal 42 (1): 101-113. (U.S.) (Law)

2012. “Inverted Totalitarianism and the U.S. Territorial Doctrine,” Revista de Pensamiento Jurídico 30 (3): 295-310. 

2006. “Agamben’s State of Exception and U.S. Territorial Law and Policy,” Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (39): 15-56. 

2000. “Race, Space, and Citizenship: The Puerto Rican Anomaly, 1898-1917,” Student Review of Law and Society, 1 (1): 50-68. 


Columns in El Nuevo Dia

“Puerto Rico y las Antinomias de la Ciudadanía de Estados Unidos,” 31 March 2018, 80Grados

“The Jones Act of 1917 and the Collective Naturalization of Puerto Ricans,” 6 March 2018, ZócaloPublic Square

Invited Panelist, Unincorporated Birthright Citizenship and Empire: Puerto Rico and the Dual US Territorial Citizenship Law and Policy, 9 February 2018, Symposium: Bankruptcy and Citizenship, Puerto Rico, A 21stCentury Colony? Princeton University

Public Lecture: "Less than Equal: A History of the Extension of Citizenship Rights to Puerto Rico 1898-Present, 23 March 2016, UMass, CLACLS

Are Puerto Ricans Really American Citizens?” 2 March 2017, The Conversation